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Dr. Charmain Jackman

Charmain F. Jackman, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist of Barbadian heritage and the Founder & CEO of InnoPsych, Inc. Growing up in a culture where the stigma of mental health was pervasive, but images of therapists of color were not, she decided that she was going to change that. Dr. J has spent the last 20 years working with people of color (POCs) in hospitals, clinics, courts, and schools, and one consistent point that she has observed is that POCs long for therapists who look like them—who understand them and who will do right by them! That knowledge has inspired Dr. J to make it easier for POCs to find therapists of color! She also wants to change the negative views of therapy and to educate POCs about the necessity of taking care of their mental health and to empower communities to heal.